Serge Tomé - haikus : janvier - January 2012


premier douche de l'an
le paysage s'efface
dans la buée
first shower of the year
the landscape fades
in the condensation


pluie battante --
le regard de la vache
dans la bétaillère
heavy rain --
the eyes of the cow
in the cattle truck

A haiku written this evening coming home in the night and the rain. A few seconds, I meet its eyes. The poor cow...

Eyes seen through that kind of little window remember me the '40 cattle cars of the deportation convoys. Innocent people heading to the extermination camps. Just for a while that impression like a flash in the night.


Omaha Beach --
un peu de sable sur ma table
au coeur de l'hiver


nuit froide --
des plumes d'oiseaux dispersées
dans la cave
cold night -
bird feathers scattered
in the basement


jour d'Auschwitz  ---
des rails glacés luisent
dans la nuit
Auschwitz day ---
cold rails gleam
in the night

27 of January 1945 - Liberation of the camp
Never forget that.